Research has found that people who are more socially active have more healthy brain tissue when compared to more isolated people! Something that can make socializing difficult, though, is hearing loss. Conversation can be difficult or bothersome if you’re unable to hear what people are saying and have to ask for repetition continually.
Typically, the decline in cognitive function is a gradual process. A mild cognitive impairment is what a person has when their cognitive function is worse than it should be for their age, but is not yet to the point of being called dementia. A number of people with a mild cognitive impairment will eventually develop some sort of dementia, so any way to slow or reverse this process is important!
Social engagement is one of the best ways to improve cognitive function once you’ve been diagnosed with a mild cognitive impairment. Volunteering, attending meetings, being a part of a group, or socializing with family and friends are all examples of good social engagement!
Hearing well makes social engagement a lot easier, so contact us today to schedule a hearing test and hearing aid consultation.
We are here to help if you or a family member is having any difficulties with hearing, hearing aids, hearing aid apps or Tinnitus please give us a call at 727-323-2471 and set up an appointment.
We can help you.
Susan E. Terry, Au.D., F-AAA, F-NAP
Doctor of Audiology
Board Certified
P.S. We are here to help if you have any questions about your hearing, feel free to give us a call at 727-323-2471