We have all done it… jokingly, made a remark that your significant other has “selective hearing.”
Have you ever really thought about what hearing loss can do to your brain?
Auditory deprivation occurs when the brain, specifically the auditory cortex, is not activated due to hearing loss. That’s right, hearing loss actually prevents your brain from receiving important speech information.

We are here to help if you or a family member is having any difficulties with hearing, hearing aids, hearing aid apps or Tinnitus please give us a call at 727-323-2471 and set up an appointment.
We can help you.
Susan E. Terry, Au.D., F-AAA, F-NAP
Doctor of Audiology
Board Certified
P.S. We are here to help if you have any questions about your hearing, feel free to give us a call at 727-323-2471