The American Academy of Audiology and Susan E. Terry, Au.D., Cautions Parents on Selecting Noisy Toys this Holiday Season – Loud toys can damage hearing in children
The American Academy of Audiology and Broadwater Hearing Care urges parents to be cautious when selecting toys this holiday season. Recognizing that tiny ears are particularly susceptible to hearing damage, it is important to check noise levels before purchasing them. “Many parents don’t realize the permanent damage a simple toy can inflict on a child’s hearing,” said Dr. Terry, a member of the American Academy of Audiology and with Broadwater Hearing Care. “When we fail to protect a child’s hearing, the result can be irreversible hearing loss.” The inner ear contains delicate hair cells which do not regrow. Once these are damaged by noise, the result is permanent hearing loss.
“Hearing damage can be from a one-time exposure or cumulative exposures,” said Dr. Terry. “It’s important to note that the 85-decibel level threshold that the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommends is for people with long exposure to the sound for eight hours or more. Having said that, parents and anyone buying toys for children need to be aware of loud noises, particularly toys that have loud bursts—cap guns, popping balloons, air horns, etc.”
You can check out the full press release at:
We are here to help if you or a family member is having any difficulties with hearing, hearing aids, hearing aid apps or Tinnitus please give us a call at 727-323-2471 and set up an appointment.
We can help you.
Susan E. Terry, Au.D., F-AAA, F-NAP
Doctor of Audiology
Board Certified
P.S. We are here to help if you have any questions about your hearing, feel free to give us a call at 727-323-2471