Hearing changes so gradually, that we often don’t notice that we are missing things. Often it is a family member or friend who will first mention that you may be having a little problem. It is easy to make light of this. “You’re mumbling, the television is interfering”, etc.
When hearing changes, it is not like when your vision changes. When your vision changes, everything becomes a little out of focus, so you go back to your eye doctor. When your hearing changes, the sounds just disappear, so you don’t realize that you are missing things. One thing to look for is how often your first response to someone talking to you is “what”. We do this without thinking, but if you are having have people repeat to you often, this is a sign that it is time to have your hearing evaluated.
A hearing evaluation is a simple procedure, it doesn’t hurt and there is no preparation for it. It is a good idea for everyone over the age of 50 to have a baseline evaluation. Call the office at 727-323-2471 for an appointment.