Do you hunt or have a hunter in your life?
Did you know that gunfire is about the worst thing you can do to your hearing? Many of hunters wear hearing protection while shooting at the range. This is a good thing.
However, most hunters do not wear hearing protection while out hunting. I can certainly understand that a hunter needs to hear the sounds around them to hunt successfully.
Electronic shooters are the answer for the hunter. They allow the individual to hear normally, until the gun is fired. When the gun is fired, the electronic shooters go to work by muffling the gunshot.
Electronic shooters, while not inexpensive, are certainly preferable to loosing hearing and are much less expensive than hearing aids.
We are happy to help you prevent hearing loss. Give us a call at 7273-23-2471.
Susan E. Terry, Au.D., F-AAA
Doctor of Audiology
Board Certified
P.S. We are here to help, if you have any questions about your hearing feel free to give us a call at 727-323-2471.